Become Part Of The Change

Who is a climate activist.

These are people who are tired of remaining silent , as climate change continue to destroy our planet. As most of us, continue business as usual. They are ready to take action at individual level, and push for the same from the other stakeholders.

These stakeholders involve governments , manufactures, service providers among others.

Through talks, protests, barazzas, social media campaigns, etc. They are able to reach more and influence the needed change.

Education and Awareness is Vital

Promoting education and awareness around climate change and conservation. We are able to enlighten the public on why its important to change their consumption behavior and what is at stake.

An informed society make better solutions .

This could be done through school visits, conferences, summits , forums, zoom meetings, webinars, social media, tree planting events, game counts, cleanups , among others. Target being where we have people that could be communicated to.

Understanding policies 

Knowing and understanding policies is vital, as it will help you know where we have gaps in their implementation or weak policies.

Countries like Kenya happen to have best policies when it comes to environment. Problem comes in during their implementation. Hence not quite useful in protecting our planet. By understanding this, we are able to evaluate which leaders needs to be serious in their roles. Arranging talks or visit with them. And discuss our concerns, are some of the ways we are able to influence change .

Working with communities

We already have good number of youth, women and even men doing amazing jobs through innovations that will help bring health back to our planet.

Most of them are confined in the small groups, hence not well known. But we are now able to amplify their voices, tell the world of their amazing innovations and promote their actions.

Answers are with the local communities as they happen to be the biggest consumers, hence for anything to really succeed. They have to be involved.


Activism is not about fighting anyone, but rather speaking up and pushing for the needed change . We are not against anyone, but against negative actions destroying our planet.

We are here to ensure that no human suffers natural disasters as a result of unattended climate change . Climate refugees should not exist, while we continue to operate busy as usual.

β€œUnless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

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