#AfricaIsNotADumpster Campaign

Successfully launched and led the #AfricaIsNotADumpster campaign in 2020
This has run since September 2020, following the Kenya-US trade deal negotiation
which would have allowed for the US to dump and export her plastic waste to Kenya,
thereby creating a gateway for a “plastic recycling market” in Africa.
Alongside our partners, Global Children Campaign, we wrote a letter to the US Senate,
which was supported and endorsed by several senators and congressmen/women.
We have received campaign support from Polluters Out, Fridays for Future
International, Centre for Environmental Justice and Development(CEJAD), among

National Youth Consultation Conference to Kenya’s updated Nationally
Determined Contribution(NDC)

In December 2020, we hosted the first-ever youth consultation conference in the lead-up
to Kenya’s submission of her NDC document. The week-long process brought together
youth, grassroots, the government, religious groups, civil society, and other stakeholders
in the crafting of how best to implement the NDC activities for 2021-2025. Over 100
people actively participated in the virtual conference, with the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry sitting in and contributing to the whole process.

Restoration programs

We have successfully hosted and supported restoration activities across Kenya.

  • January 2021. Mangrove restoration programs in Mombasa in collaboration with Blue
  • earth Organisation. Planted 500 mangrove seedlings, and aim at planting 10,000
  • seedlings before 2021 ends.
  • In February 2021, we planted over 150 indigenous tree seedlings at St. John school in
  • Machakos
  • In March 2021, we planted 50 indigenous trees at Rongai primary school in Nairobi.
  • In March 2021, through Friday for Futures conducted the Global Climate Strike in
  • Kenya. That is Nairobi, Voi, Mombasa, and Malindi.
  • We have done this while also conducting environmental education in schools.