
We Are Super proud of KEAN members, Congratulations!!!

We Are Super proud of KEAN members, Congratulations!!!

Thank you KEAN Family for Shinning beyond Challenges, and excelling in Successful Impactful Projects in 2022 There are many things that individuals and groups within KEAN network have been engaged in to contribute to a more sustainable planet, including reducing energy consumption, conserving natural resources, and supporting environmentally-friendly policies and practices. Reminding everyone the importance

We Are Super proud of KEAN members, Congratulations!!! Read More »

COP27 from an Afrikan perspective; Why are we still missing the mark?

COP27 from an Afrikan perspective; Why are we still missing the mark?

Contextualizing the problem The 27th Conference of Parties, or “COP27”, will be held from November 8th –18th, 2022, at Sharm – el Sheik International Conferences Center in Egypt. This year’s theme will be “Climate Action for Sustainable Development.” In addition to discussions about how best to integrate climate action into sustainable development goals (SDGs), there

COP27 from an Afrikan perspective; Why are we still missing the mark? Read More »



The oceans are rising, and so are we The climate is changing, why can’t weGlaciers are melting, others sublimate away Ravaging mighty fires outweighConsuming hurricanes rage grey Mother earth is bleeding Her teeming life depletingHer species ,extinct or nearing.It’s man against nature,and he is winning. For clear – the science is,Our only chance of survival


Social Media Advocacy Training

KEANClinics : Social Media Advocacy Training

Social media for Advocacy training A group of 30 youth drawn from Kenya Environmental Action Network(KEAN) and The MIllennial Environmentalists (TME) gathered for a skill building training on leveraging social media power to advance their actions. The full day program hosted at the Climate Change Resource Center, inside the Kenya Meteorological Department grounds, saw the

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